Owen's 5 month portrait (Aug. 3). He turns 6 months next week!!
Starting back to work has obviously meant that I have less time to post...but I'm finally getting around to processing my pictures from August. Owen is doing so well. He seems to be perfectly content to go to his daycare. He loves the bigger (i.e. 12 month old) kids. He's rolling over. He sits up, but not without my help. He's a really big boy (wearing 9 and 12 months sizes at 5/6 months). He's just as babble-y as ever, waaaaay more aware of his surroundings, and grabbing for things (like people's faces) left and right. He is so happy. He hardly ever cries or fusses. I just don't know how I got so lucky, but believe me, I thank heaven every day! Oh, and did I mention he is sleeping through the night?
Concentrating hard in his fancy bouncer (a loaner from a colleague)!
Reading the New Yorker. Yes, he's a reader. And someone may as well read it.